Webmaster: building on others work

Many organizations have a website and either seek someone to maintain and improve what they have or –oops!!– just need occasional help updating it. In order, pictured below are projects I’ve stepped in to update, maintain and improve, rather than design and build: Center for Collaborative Communication, HTML/CSS site, 2011-2012 $pread Magazine, HTML and later… Continue reading Webmaster: building on others work

Categorized as Design, Web

Website graphics: 2007–2008

Using Photoshop, sourced imagery, and typographical design for web banners and blog images: Blog series image: WordPress website, customized header, for Transmission, a social-justice faith-based organization in NYC. 2008.

Categorized as Design, Web

Fame and Shame in the Lower East Side (Poster design & Website, 2011)

I had a dream about updating my blog to talk about process, the motions of making and the spaces in between that I like to forget that I need in order to bloom beauty. I dreamt of performances about dissociation and  homorobics. I dreamt of taking a walk with Diamanda Galas. If you want to… Continue reading Fame and Shame in the Lower East Side (Poster design & Website, 2011)