I attended the Digital Humanities Winter Institute at UMD’s MITH, [http://mith.umd.edu] this past week, which meant I learned how to be a better researcher and overall nerd. Firstly, hooray for CUNY GC for co-sponsoring, including making graduate student scholarships available, which meant I could go. I enrolled in the Data Curation for the Digital Humanities… Continue reading #1 Digital Humanities Winter Institute Report-back
Category: Strategy
Femme 2012: in Baltimore and Everywhere on the Web
I’m busting with pride because, for the last year, I’ve been volunteering co-leading the Media team of this weekend’s Femme Conference. Between starting work on this conference and now, I started graduate school and went to two Allied Media Conferences, and it’s just really clear to me how incredibly important media –Â accessible, horizontal, participatory… Continue reading Femme 2012: in Baltimore and Everywhere on the Web
STUDENT STRIKE!!! Understanding what's happening in Quebec and Montreal for US anglophones*
Want to know some context and the super-short version of what is happening in Quebec? Read this for some media, history, and special artist appearances — and if you’re in NYC, attend the Quebec in Revolt: Film Night at Interference Archive in Brooklyn on Thursday viagra usa 6/7 at 7:30pm. I want to thank my… Continue reading STUDENT STRIKE!!! Understanding what's happening in Quebec and Montreal for US anglophones*
So Excited About Horizontal Networks and Radical Politics
I just finished a few proposals for the Allied Media Conference — which I swear I will co-work on organizing one of these years! — and one that I’m particularly excited about is called “Out of the Streets and Into the Networks: Horizontal Digital Collaborations for Radical Projects.” I’ve been growing in my comfort level… Continue reading So Excited About Horizontal Networks and Radical Politics
Link Roundup #2: 18th-C. crusty punks, SiSU, web tools for teaching, femme boys
1. Historical perversity, Arthur Mervynn [1799]. A young country boy who makes his way to the Big City of Philadelphia in 1793 only to have terrible luck, then good luck as a friendly [?] man invites him to share his bed, then back luck again as people die and he destroys money by accident, then… Continue reading Link Roundup #2: 18th-C. crusty punks, SiSU, web tools for teaching, femme boys
Link Roundup #1: Wild (femme) Gender, Voltarine, Piracy
I’m going to instigate posting link roundups every few weeks, just because what goes through my life, and so my browser, is random as heck *and* I want to hoard-yet-share the places I’ve been. Here goes: 1. Feedback from the Femme Week of Action across the continent! Philly femme artist [and Heels on Wheels Roadshow… Continue reading Link Roundup #1: Wild (femme) Gender, Voltarine, Piracy
Shareware, Freeware, Open Source: Definitions, explanations, and some programs!
Why are there a billion free PC programs out there but only ten thousand free Mac programs? Because a PC operating system is open source and Mac is proprietary. What the hell does that mean? Friends that’s a long conversation down intellectual property and capitalism lane, so let’s go there a little bit, and lets… Continue reading Shareware, Freeware, Open Source: Definitions, explanations, and some programs!
Recent Web Collaborations: IDA & Philly Stands Up
As someone who is committed to media justice and open access to technology for all — and a competent communications designer with a tiny bit of free time — I have been donating about five hours of media work a week to *non-funded* activist and cultural organizations. I get to collaborate, learn about the amazing… Continue reading Recent Web Collaborations: IDA & Philly Stands Up
Print Design! Layout Software that doesn't cost more than your rent
I love print design, and I’ve been at it for years; first my making zines in the 90’s and next by making newspapers, magazines and promotional media over the last ten years. So it makes sense that people ask me for tips and recommendations regularly. Some examples are this page from Femme2010 program, and my… Continue reading Print Design! Layout Software that doesn't cost more than your rent
Postcards and the Art of Image Maintenance
I’ve been up late these past few weeks, getting ready for Femme Pride Week, and working on media for the US Social Forum, where I’m teaching a DIY New Media workshop with Sarah Jenny, and Femme2010, the amazing femme conference that I’m Co-Media Chair of this year. Part of my favorite media strategy has always… Continue reading Postcards and the Art of Image Maintenance