Political Art Lectures for 2014

I’m writing to share resources for teachers looking for a NYC-based field trips for classes on art/politics/sociology/archives, etc:

I recently began an appointment as the Resident Scholar at the Interference Archive [www.interferencearchive.org], a public archive of political art ephemera in Brooklyn. See a NY Times article on us here.

We offer tons of public programming and do hands-on, customized on-site lecture/tours to college and high school groups.

This place would be incredible if you’re teaching a segment on topics like civil rights, social movements, feminism/reproductive justice, queer activism, zines, labor organizing/history, global liberation movements, etc., or to support learning about structural things like archives/archiving, material culture, print/poster production and design, digital humanities, etc.

If you are interested in bringing a class to the Interference Archive in 2014, you can reach out to me directly or to the collective to book a date: interferencearchive[at]gmail[com]com — a blog post about a recent class visit is here, if you [or your department head] want more info: https://interferencearchive.org/examining-the-archive-lecture-on-activist-posters/

I’m at the Interference Archive working on The Fist Is Still Raised: a book, digital humanities project, and slideshow talk examining social movement history and resistance strategies from a visual cultural lens.

It documents the 100-year history of the raised fist image, and in it I examine social movement visual culture, digital humanities, political art history, labor/civil rights/anarchist/queer movement histories, copyright/copyleft, and more.

I’m excited to be ready to present this slideshow to the public and in classrooms in 2014. More details are online here: http://raisedfist.femmetech.org/about. Contact me if you’re interested in me coming to present this.


Feel free to share this with colleagues who might be interested, and may the radical power of art keep moving our hearts forward!

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